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Si Pelangi

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You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful :)

Friday, 28 October 2011

I just dont know why

emosi emosi emosi tu la dia aku. penat tau kadang kadang tapi nak buat macam mana. susah lah nak cakap. sometime okay but sometime not. i was like dont know myself. really. urghhh. and for this new blog. i just hate it. sorry to say but i miss the old one. i do love the old blog. this new blog macam. hurmmm. macam tak bernyawa. mati jeeee. i dont know why. why why whyyy ? takde idea apa nak tulis. and and my writing are so bad. huh. tak suka this feeling. and semua kawan blogger ramai yang tak dapat reach. and you know how sad i am? you know? not! yeah . feel bad too bad. how i wish i can find the fucker hacker and kill them for made me lost my old blog. 

seriously tak tahu apa nak pk dahh. rindu rindu sangat dengan blog tuu. a lot of memories. sampai sekarang tak dapat terima. email punya pasal kena hacked semua nya hilang. fb , blog, skype, ym, everything. i hope no more for this time. please hacker ,be nice. im not good nak fix that thing. aura writing dah hilang. sebab dah lama tak berblogging . dan baru sekarang buat baru. so dah lost. everything.please aura. i need you back. i miss you okay. im so sad now. can you feel my sadness. ohhhhh. nak nangis lah. nak jugakk. please someone. boleh pinjam bahu tak? almost 2 am and im not sleep yet. okay lahh. kalau dah jumpa aura tu let me know okay :) goodnight friends.


  1. kesiannyaaa ! sabar lah zulaikha hehe. doa je semoga si hacker tu mendapat hidayahh ! hahaha.

  2. hahahahah. thanksssss. ye dah doa dahhh :)

  3. you've been tagged! :D

  4. heheheh so ju kena buat exactly macam yong tu ke?
